✈️ Septotrip-main-image

✈️ Septotrip

What is Septotrip ?

Septotrip is an app that will help you to plan your next trip. It is mainly accessible via a web application, but we also worked on a react native version of the app.

Goal of the app ?

Septrotrip is particularly useful when you plan to go on a roadtrip or visit several cities during your trip.

The goal is to plan everything before, and be free of mind while you travel. Everything will connect perfectly, and you will find exactly what you want at the moment you need it.

Cover image

How does it work ?

You can create a page for your trip, add different steps, and link, for each day, the points of interest that you would like to visit.

This way you can plan what you will do each day of your step.

It is possible to add files to your points of interest, your steps, or to the route that connects them. This way, if you plan to visit a museum, you can save your tickets directly in the point of interest you have created in the app.

You can also invite other users to your trip via their septotrip mail address, so they can help you plan your trip, or have access to everything while you are travelling.

If you plan to test the app yourself, do not hesitate to change the language via the settings wheel in the top right corner !

What did I do ?

My role in this project was simple: build the entire web application. I had to manage everything, from authentication with JWT tokens to designing and implementing all the screens of the app; there was a lot of work here! But it was pleasant work. I have learned a lot of very new exciting things, such as working with maps and interacting with them dynamically.

Of course, I was not alone; I had to work closely with the API team to design the different routes. It's the first long-term project for a web application that I have undertaken during my studies, and while it is not perfect, I am very proud of it.